Original Post
(Hawk) The Hawks
Story: We, The Hawks, Were the infamous Hawks in the sky. A great, Un-touched army of great, and powerful soldiers. Within time, Other armies, and clans grew a form of respect, and hatred for us. They formed together, And took us down. One by one; We finally fought back. This brought fourth the war in which brought us down to this very moment. We need you. For the better.

We are the Hawks, as you've seen before. And, While we are a starting clan, we should not be underestimated. We have a dedicated set of rules that should be followed. Please, Take note of this.

1. Do not spam us. We do not approve.
2.Please, if possible, use correct grammar. (Some exceptions are allowed.)
3. Fight fairly, and correctly. I will make sure people who only do things like clapping are EXPELLED from the clan. Please make moves clean?
4.Be kind, and respect your higher ranks. Punishment will be necessary to those who are disrespectful.
5.Don't ask for a rank
6.Don't hack if found out you will be hated by the clan and kikced
7.Don't shovel or lift
This is all I have to say about our rules.

RECRUITMENT? Go to this page: or

If you wish to be recruited, Please use correct grammar especially.

If you have any questions about us, please message us individually, or post questions here, on this thread. We hope you consider joining us; We need you! Sear, Out.
Last edited by slycreep; May 13, 2013 at 10:37 AM.
can't touch this