No, Sainz just doesn't like me. Sainz, you can stop saying you don't want me in the clan now. Emg you're right I am only asking the clan members. But thank you others for understanding my situation. I am NOT here to cause a problem. But he did not have to say "sounds like a clan hopper now, he has been inactive and also joined various clans quickly.
Reported everything, Decline every risk. I don't like thelunatic's style." because that's biased and rude and I take offense to it, my apologies I will not respect it when someone is not showing respect to me. It's not a real reason, just his opinion towards me. I'd like to get the clan's honest opinion about my app and what you think of it or if I am welcome. Yes, I am emotional. Most people are, and I'm working on that irl. But walking over me and pouring fuel on the fire won't help. You have to treat others the way you want to be treated and that's all I'm saying. I understand why some of you might not like me. Fool seems to understand however, you need to be positive to avoid negativity..
Last edited by TheLunatic; Feb 25, 2013 at 11:50 PM.