Emg, were you looking for art? clannys get 50% discount . I do avatars, floor textures signatures and of course clan banners (pretty much anything you need that's art, i have your back; except textures because i've only made 3 sets and 2 of them kind of sucked so im really not that confident making textures) don't use my shop in my signature yet because tomorrow, or tonight im going to be completely redoing it.

On the other hand id like to introduce myself, the names josh, I am a 17 year old high school student who is failing most of his classes (unfortunately), I am excellent when it comes to designing and creating, i'm always either out in the garage building something, going to parties with my friends or fooling around with photo editors. i was in-active for a period of 3 months due to computer troubles and some money troubles. So the last 3 weeks or so ive been adjusting back into the toribash world. i tend to only play one mod (judo) mainly because that and twinswords are the only two tourney rooms. but when it comes to judo i can fuck shit up unless i'm up against certain people i rarely lose in that mod. do to my one mod career i believe that my maturity and art skills are what makes me, me. sorry for the wall of text but thanks for your time!
Check out JWP's budget avatar shop! for a custom budget avatar!