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Age of Empires Online


The game is free-to-play—it is free for users to play, with the additional option of earning or purchasing premium content. Premium content may include access to many special items and blueprints, and more quests and features. Also, booster packs are now available, such as Defense of Crete and Skirmish. The former gives the player the ability to play in a survival type mode game, while the latter allows up to four humans versus up to four CPU opponents in a more traditional skirmish game-mode. The modes can be played in either single-player or co-op. The game also features several player versus player (PvP) modes for up to four people with the option of a PvP "Champion mode" which fully unlocks the players' tech tree and renders the gear for aesthetics only.

Age of Empires Online includes five classes of military units: Infantry, archers, cavalry, siege weaponry, and naval units. All military classes are developed to maintain a balance on gameplay, and thus avoiding visible advantages between civilizations. As an example, a unit powerful against buildings can be weak against a certain kind of cavalry. Unique units are available for each civilization, either from the start of the game or through advisor cards. These civilization-specific units are generally more powerful, but can still be vulnerable to certain units.The priest is a special kind of military unit that has the ability to convert enemy units to the player's civilization, and to heal allied units.[5]

Every player has a limit to the total number of units they can create—a population limit—but may not immediately use the entire potential population. The population limit increases with the number of houses or town centers in the player's village to a maximum of 200, with each house contributing five and each town center contributing 20 to the limit. There are two important features for unit management: The idle villager button, which helps players identify villagers that have not been assigned a task, and the town bell, which sends all of the player's villagers into the nearest town center, fortress or tower for safety


The buildings in Age of Empires Online are either economic or military buildings. Buildings can research technologies and upgrades that increase economic, military or unit-based efficiency, as well as provide resources for the player. Each civilization has unique buildings, but some are common for all civilizations; the most important of these being the town center, where villagers are created, resources are stored, some technologies researched and in which the player can advance to the next age. The town center can fire arrows at enemy units within range. Other economic buildings available include the storehouse for resources, farms, docks (the dock may also produce several military ships), and houses to support a higher population.

Military buildings include unit-producing buildings such as barracks, archery ranges, stables, and fortresses, as well as defensive buildings such as walls and towers. Military buildings can perform research to improve the abilities of military units, increasing their strength, defensive capabilities, or other attributes. The fortress is a powerful defensive building which can train a variety of units, including the civilization's unique units, and fires arrows at enemy units within range. It can only be built after a player has reached the third age. There are two other important defensive buildings: Walls and towers. Walls are used to prevent access for enemy units to an enclosed area, while friendly units can traverse the walls through inserted gates. Towers are equipped with the ability to fire arrows at enemy units, or garrison friendly units for protection, and can be used in conjunction with walls in establishing defense lines. Watch posts are used for extendings the line of sight.

Capital City
The capital city is similar to the "Home city" concept implemented in Age of Empires III. The city functions as the player's home base for their civilization. It continues to exist even when the player logs out of the game, though it cannot be attacked or altered by other players. Through the capital city, the player can manage quests, improve technologies, send mail, craft items, participate in player to player trade, acquire and equip new gear for individual units, and visit other player's cities. Stores built within the city can be visited by other players and currency used for the items purchased will add to the player's funds. Unlike the home city from Age of Empires III where you can only customize the look of buildings, the capital city is completely customizable; buildings and rewards can be placed anywhere on the city map as the player chooses. Players can add buildings, rewards, houses as well as statues and bushes along with other things to decorate their capital city. Two vanity packs, bountiful bushes and glorious gardening exist to add new bushes and statues for the player to use to decorate their capital city. The city is also used as a gateway to other AI controlled cities within the region, where a player can visit and acquire new quests and items. The capital city also has many different buildings that the player can build including:
Gear Hall - Allows the player to view, equip, and remove gear to your units.
Advisor Hall - Allows the player to view, select and change which advisors they will be using in quests, skirmish, and standard PvP.
Arena - Allows the player to create custom PvP matches with their party members. It allows you to select maps, teams, and whether the PvP will be Standard or Champion Mode PvP.
Stores - Allows the owner of the capital city as well as any players that visit the capital city to purchase consumables, advisors, recipes, and gear. There are currently many stores available for construction in the capital city including, the empire store, general store, recipe stores, uncommon, rare and epic armaments and defenses stores, and glorious gardening and bountiful bushes stores if the player has purchased these vanity packs. Additionally, if a player has purchased the premium pack for the civilization, they get a share from any purchases made by other players in their capital city.
Workshops - Produces materials at a constant rate for the player to use for constructing buildings, and making gear and consumables from craft schools.
Embassy - Allows the player to send, receive and view mail.
Palace - Allows the player to spend technology points and choose, customize and view their technology trees to be used in player versus environment (PvE) games.
Treasury - Allows the player to keep track of their currencies and points that they have in game.
Craft Schools - Produces gear and consumables for the player to use. There are currently eight different craft schools that produce gears and consumables for different units. The metalworking craft school is currently only available for the Celtic civilization. Each premium civilization that a player owns can have two different craft schools, while non-premium civilizations can only have one craft school.
Decorations - There are many different kinds of decorations that a player can currently build in their capital city. This includes small, medium and large houses, Argos cows, statues, bushes, trophies from skirmish quests, etc.

Quests are the main PvE aspect of the game. Quests generally involve fighting and defeating the AI player. They are similar to the campaigns in previous Age of Empires games. They are completed when the objectives are met. Objectives in quests vary greatly, some quests involve defeating enemies, others involve protecting a building or unit, and some involve collecting a certain amount of resources while defending from the enemy. Quest rewards include experience points, gold, empire points, chests, and sometimes gear. Some region specific quests, such as the "Argos Quests" also provide the player with a different kind of currency as well, the region points (Argos quests provide the player with Argos points). Certain quests also have a co-op option, which allows the player to do the quest with another player to help them. Certain quests also have an "elite" version, which allows for the player to gain a greater amount of rewards, but is more difficult presenting the player with a greater challenge.

The different civilizations also have different quest lines, e.g. the Celts have 80 unique quests that the other civilizations do not possess.[6] However, some quests are shared by the civilizations such as the Argos-region quests. Some quests are repeatable while others can only be done once. Quest maps also contain treasure chests that the player can collect to attempt to get gear, consumables, materials and advisors. Units killed in quests, including treasure guardians provide the player with a certain amount of experience points, varying on the difficulty of the quest. Quests are unlocked in various ways, including reaching a certain level or having to have already completed another quest. Quests often begin with the player starting with a set amount of resources, certain amount of villagers, buildings, military units and the scout.
Legendary quests
The nine "legendary quests" in the game are unlocked when the player reaches level 40. These quests are similar to the "elite" quests as they provide a greater amount of rewards than the regular version of the same quest. However, while the legendary quests allow the player to obtain lots of gold and empire points, they provide no experience as the player has already reached level 40, the maximum level in the game. Treasure chests in these quests may contain the elusive "legendary" gear which are rare, valuable, and provide good bonuses to units when equipped.
Alliance wars
In June 2012, a free endgame content pack called "alliance wars" was released. The content is designated towards level 40 players, and consists of team-based competition revolving around three separate alliances. Players are able to align themselves with a particular alliance and complete quests for powerful rewards and passive bonuses. Contests are also held at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.[7]

Player versus player, or PvP, is another aspect of the game. PvP in this game can be started in one of two ways: By using Sparta PvP to find a random match, or by using the arena in the capital city to play against a party member. Sparta PvP can be accessed by visiting the Sparta region in the world map. In Sparta PvP, there are two different types of PvP options. Standard PvP is the first option and allows the player to use star techs from their tech-tree as well as any gear and advisors that they have equipped in their capital city. This PvP option was first to be released. Champion mode PvP is the second Sparta PvP option. This is also sometimes known as ranked PvP while Standard PvP is known as unranked PvP. In this PvP option all gears, star techs and advisors are disabled and cannot be used to start the players off at an even footing. All gears equipped will provide the units with a cosmetic change but will not affect their stats like they would normally do in PvE missions.[4]

In Sparta PvP, the player starts off with a minimal amount of resources, a few villagers and their scout. Map selection is random and cannot be chosen by either players. Champion mode PvP results will also determine your Trueskill ranking which is used to determine a player's rank globally as well as to help find the player a match and opponents for PvP. Currently, in Sparta PvP, there is an option for 1v1 PvP and 2v2 PvP. Rewards from Sparta PvP include experience points, empire points, gold and Sparta points which can be used in the stores in Sparta for chests, gear and consumables. PvP is also accessible through the Arena in the player's capital city. While identical to Sparta PvP in many ways, Arena PvP can different in many ways. In Arena PvP, you can play against any human opponent in your party as well as choose the map and teams (if it is a 2v2 match) before starting the game. Arena PvP will not affect your Sparta PvP Trueskill ranking. Finally, arena PvP also does not provide any rewards to the winning player. The August 2012 update also added a new spectator mode option for Arena PvP[8] and the October 2012 update made Arena PvP (Standard or Champion mode) free for all players.[9]

Currently six civilizations are available. Premium civilizations start at level 1 and are the Greeks, Egyptians, and Celts. Pro civilizations start at level 20 and are the Persians, Babylonians and the Norse.[10] Each civilization has technologies and units that are unique to them, so that no civilization possesses all the technologies or units possible within the game.
Greeks - The Greeks were the first civilization to be released for AoEO along with the Egyptians. They are considered to be the most balanced civilization militarily as they are the only civilization ablo to make three units from the barracks (spearman, hypaspist and hoplite), stables (sarissophoroi, prodromos and hippikon) and archery range (toxotes, peltast and gastraphetes). Also, they are the only civilization with the ballista siege weapon, a powerful bolt firing unit that does area of effect damage. The Greek naval units currently consist of the trireme, a powerful all around ship, a fireship, an anti-ship unit and the ballista trireme, a powerful, long ranged naval unit that is powerful against buildings.[11]
Egyptians - The Egyptians were the second civilization to be released for AoEO and they were released at the game's launch with the Greek civilization. The Egyptians currently are the only civilization that possesses the mighty war elephant, a powerful unit that is capable of dealing splash damage, however, it is very expensive to train. The Egyptians also have some units that are unique to their civilization including the camel, axemen and chariot archers. The Egyptians have a unique way of advancing to the next age. This involves building a temple to advance to the next age, unlike the other civilizations who research the tech in the town center. The priests and priestesses that can be trained at this temple are also unique units to this civilization. Finally, the Egyptians always begin a quest, or match, with a priestess of Ra which provides their villagers with a 10% carry bonus.[12]
Persians - The Persians were the third civilization to be released for AoEO. They were originally planned to be released in the winter break along with the long-awaited Skirmish pack and Celts, however they were released early on October 19, 2011.[13] The Persians are a "Pro Civilization," starting at level 20 (unlike the Greeks, Egyptians and Celts who start at level 1), came with preset "Hero" gear as well as a shorter quest line. Being a Pro civilization, the Persians are only usable when purchased for empire points, although there is a one-quest-only "demo version" of the civilization. The Persians, militarily, have powerful cavalry and cheaper but weaker naval units. The Persian cavalry is considered to be the strongest in the game. Cavalry units of the Persians include the asabara (a well rounded cavalry unit), mounted archer (an anti-cavalry unit) and the cataphract (a powerful, expensive anti-infantry unit). The Persian navy consists of the galley, ram ship and the mangonel galley. These naval units are the equivalent to the Greek trireme, fire ship and ballista trireme, respectively, albeit being cheaper and weaker than their Greek counterparts. Another Persian unique unit includes the immortal, which is both a ranged and infantry unit. Finally, Persians have "toggle-techs" which can be turned on and off at the player's desire. These toggle techs provide certain bonuses while at the same time giving certain penalties (e.g. decreased unit production time but increased unit cost).[14]
Celts - The Celts were the fourth civilization to be released for AoEO. The Celts in the Celt campaign are based on the Gauls in France around the fourth and third centuries BC as opposed to the ones in Britain which did not have as much contact with the rest of the world at the time.[15] Unlike the Persians, the Celts were delayed significantly and were released on March 27, 2012 as part of the Spring Patch for the game.[6] The Celts are an infantry-based civilization, possessing a strong infantry, but lacking in cavalry and naval units. The Celts however, are the only ones able to construct gold mines which allow for the player to collect gold without the use of a drop site. The gold mine can garrison a certain amount of villagers and gold is collected faster and more efficiently. The Celts' unique units are the augur and the druid. The druid provides a damage bonus, can heal Celtic units and has a powerful attack. The augur can also heal units and provides buffs to Celtic units such as a temporary speed buff, or lower unit production time for buildings but at the cost of sacrificing a sacred deer. Celts do not possess a siege workshop but must rely on building the much more expensive fortress in order to produce siege weaponry. The Celts possess a unique crafting school, the metalworking craft school.[16]
Babylonians - The Babylonians were the fifth civilization to be released for AoEO. The Babylonians excel at quickly building a solid economy. The civilization possesses ox carts, which are essentially mobile storehouses. These units save both time and resources, by reducing villager travel distance and wood used to construct new storehouses. Other unique units are shield bearers, which can absorb a lot of pierce damage, lancers, a good anti-infantry cavalry unit, and siege towers, which are effective against buildings and can garrison infantry units to provide a ranged attack. Unique buildings in this civilization are the ziggurat, gardens and clay walls. The ziggurat is needed to advance to the next age and provides additional research options. Gardens, of which a maximum of 12 can be built, reduce research and unit training time. In the first age, Babylonians have clay walls instead of stone walls. Building clay walls requires wood instead of stone, which usually is more abundant in the beginning of a game, but they are also weaker than stone walls.[17][18]
Norse - The Norse are the sixth and most recently released civilization for the game. They are a pro-civilization and debuted along with the autumn 2012 game update

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