Name: Lexii
Age: 17 Turning 18 on November 13
Belt: 2nd dan almost 3rd dan
Past Clans: Tc0n, LOTP, Zone, Meth
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): none
Bought QI?: Never have
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): none
Modes your good at: Judo and Aikidobigdojo
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): I guess I'm decent in marketing.
GMT: -5
Player Card:
About yourself: Nothing much to say really. I'm a freshman in college at the moment. I attend University of Michigan majoring in photography. I was born in the Philippines and moved to America when I was about 4. My birthday is coming up soon on November 13. I absolutely love martial arts. I do Karate, Jujitsu and starting Aikido. I am currently a black belt in karate and jujitsu and a brown belt in Aikido.
Why you want to join [eVo]: I want to join eVo because I want to be in a nice clan. I want to represent eVo whenever I am online.
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: I will represent eVo with my fighting skills in game and show other people what we are made of.
Rubberz<3|Rekd<3|Bolty<3|Assazin<3|Dartzz<3|soap<3 |Hammy<3|Mj<3|Kujey<33|Noobeh<3|Ulti<3|Gunz<3|Nin< 3|