Original Post
[B] If you have flames, come here!
I got TC and i want new flames.

I will buy multiple flames but check the list down.

It says what i am looking for and what i really dont want.

What i am looking for.

Dual hand flames or any kind of matching flames like Both hands + head.
I prefer Dark blue color.
I still might take other colored too.
And i take Wings too.

What i'm no really looking for.

Pure/or other flames that cannot really be seen well.
Single hand or leg flames.
Laggy shit.

Anyway offer anything you want and lets see if i take it.

I pay TC

You offer first and you send first.
Your post should have a picture of the flame/flames without particle
and in normal shaders or without shaders,
and ID of the flame/flames

Offer on people.

Last edited by Zapekk; Oct 20, 2012 at 12:13 PM.
