Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
Can you propose an alternative to democracy, that would actually work well?

Why are Hall thrusters and Ion thrusters so goddamn awesome?


The problem with democracy is that it givees people who do not deserve a voice on the governmetn and the way it should be run. I think there should be a system where people have to earn the rite to vote. Something like a license that proves they actually know what they;'e talking about. Maybe that even need to do a course in college or be of a certain expertise in polotics. I just feel like too much power is given to people who jhave no idea about how a country is run.

Unfotuantely I have no idea about these things. I read some Wikipedia articles about it but it's a little complex a t this stage. A basica answer would be that science is awesome and the fact that someone can invent something like efficeint rocket propulsion is awesome to me at least.

This one is easy. Because there is a chemical in raspberry when heated to about 200 degrees celcius (Fluffy and Fruit will have to find a calculator) creates a new chemical entirely that consists of blue colouring and goblin flavouring. When Goblin flavouring is combined with a cobbler dessert it becomes a salty 'hob' element. R+200°=blue+goblin bg+c=Hobgoblin+Bluecobbler