Original Post
CLASH OF THE TITANS (and guardian)
I hereby declare a 3 way clash between Guardian, ReCoiL and Urban <(definatly Just urban and Not unit at all :3)

This is just for fun, the date would be :

14th August 2008
at 20:00 GMT

mod: Kickboxing- Judo
Rules: Tag team battles (each clan will discuss the teams) The teams do NOT have to be similar in each mod, it would be first to 5...

Team [G] (guardian): 5 wins on team [R]
Team [R] : 5 wins on team [u]
Team [u] 5 wins on [R]

[R] is kicked out leaving [u]Vs. [G] ...

That is an example..
If u are willing to back out of this challenge, Clan leaders MUST PM me.. Confirmation date is
11th August 2008
Midnight GMT

Accepting all donations.. send donations to me.

Thank you.
Last edited by Tristar60; Aug 13, 2008 at 11:21 PM.
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)