Original Post
Better Late Than Never Eh?
Soup guys. Thanks for accepting me etc.
I'm 16, almost 17, gonna go into my junior year of highschool. I'm half German, half American, and I used to go to Zinx's school in Germany, but now I go to boarding school in the USA.
I like soccer, football, skiing, freestyle skiing (one might even say Triksking <--- Ohohoh I'm so punny.) and I play track and field as well.
I'm about 1m89cm tall, and I'm about 100kg.
I'll post sexy pics later.
I'm glad to be a part of this clan, and thanks for welcoming me in so quickly.
Also, I won't be active again for another 2 weeks, so I'll see you guys then.
Also, I bought 40 year old whiskey in Scotland. It was like 380 pounds for a 750ml bottle. Fucking expensive shit.

Aight, enough rambling. Peace.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me