My forum expanded view brings the total page list for this thread to 89.

Also, it never really mattered who the leader was. The members of the clan have always voted for a decision. Or so I thought.
Wait, that means I ended up being the leader of C3? =.='

You're free to post in the board, kball. C3 has and will continue to be a laid back clan. And we do need the activity. >.<

On a partially related note, at least I know that the members of C3 haven't abandoned the clan in specific, they're just hellishly inactive (almost everyone's last login was in June). Sticky123, if you see anyone who seems intelligent and isn't in a clan, could you send them to this thread? We aren't exactly a clan that gets a lot of attention ingame like other ones (due to our very weak ingame roots) so applicants don't normally search us out.

Also, I have taken a liking to chocolate-covered biscuit sticks (the Korean types are good).
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]