Hello!, My Name is Killboy300! I Know Im Not Supposed To Be Writing Here But im Just Here To Tell You All That StrangeMoose And I Are Going To Post A Competition And We Will Have A Little Battle To See Who Gets 1st 2nd and 3rd!,

Also For The Video We Dont Wanna Be Selfish So We are Hopeing that You All Could Send The Video To StrangeMoose He will view it and see if its good enough if it is He will tell you and send it to me and ill recored, Also we will ask you if you want a shader with your video, if so i shall put it on and recored the video,

-Must Be Your Replay
-Has To Have Uke Being one of The Following
= No joints connected
= Impaled (With Fist)
= Every Bone in Body Broken
= Major decapitation
- You Can also
= Spar Or Parkour With Uke

Rules part 2:

- No Noob Moves Such as
= Noob Clap
= Noob Kick
= Ect.


- First Place

10,000 ToriCredits
Dragon Dq
Noxious Force
Gaia relax


5,000 Tc
Aqua relax
Marine Blood
Neptune Grip
+ 500 <- Cause off by 500


2,000 Tc

Radioactive relax
+500 tc

Thank You For looking At this Message,0
Also if the Video Gets 15 - 30 Views + 10 Comments (Possible 5 Subs)
i will Try to sign Up For Fyre if i have good enough Videos
Thank you Again For Seeing This Message And Please Don't Get mad at me for posting
Killboy300, and StrangeMoose out.