  • Belt 2nd dan
  • Timezone GMT +10
  • Preferable mod Wushu, AikidoBD
  • Reason for joining Huge Story but im coming back
  • Past clans -Pain it died
  • Forum/IRC activity irc not so much (didnt even know what it was untill earlyer yestarday)
  • Referral/invitation Pizzabash?
  • Infraction/ban history None
  • Skill sets (art, replays, video) You guys know im good at Artwork and Replays
  • About yourself im 16 and sexy ;) currently ina hell of a swamp of S**T
  • Any other relevant information umm I may be patchy in contact my internets getting disabled on the 12th of this month but i will be on when at school and when ever possible
"Orgasmis Maximus *Thud* *Crack* *Boom* I'm Done"