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[Discussion] The Game Central
Because if it's fun, it needs to be known!

Hello Death Plague!
I really don't know what happened with our last games thread so let's start another!
Feel free to post your gameplays, walkthroughs, and another videos! Recommend games for DPers and the whole community! From Hardcore to Casual, Android and iOS to Java and Symbian, from NES to PSVita and Wii U, you can add here EVERYTHING! Including Techology Talk. Smartphones for example!

But, we have rules of course.

-No Fan Wars
-No Spaming
-No Trolling
-No Flaming

-No Offencive Talk About Player Skills
-Be Nice!

Let me start(try to recommend a game like me, Look at the "Form")

Happy Wheels

Created By: Jin Bonacci
Platform: PC,Web(Flash Player)
You Can Find It On:

Review: Happy Wheels have a weird name if you consider that the game has Gore. Happy Wheels is a game where you can choose a character like the Irresponsible Dad, that can launch his son on obstacles and do cool BMX tricks, or Santa Claus. The variety of characters shows that each gameplay is unique. The objective is easy. Get to the end with the coins. If there is no coins just get to the end. Easy, no? Now, add Chainsaw, Bombs, Swords and Shields, Knives, and UFOs, yes UFOs. It is funny because in normal games you just reach at the end. if you fall, you start again. If you fall in Happy Wheels, you may lose a leg, or an arm. But you keep going. And that's the big difference:Blood And Gore.

But, maybe, the powers of the characters, the charisma of the voices( Like the classic "OH, GOD" from Irresponsible Dad), and the User Levels are the biggest point. You can post your levels! Also, the game play of the game is good and the controls work just fine. The game has it's bugs too. It can be annoying when Segway Guy's wheel just stop working. Also, the maps that the community creates never look like Jim Bonacci's ones. And that decreases the time for beating the game. But, for a Flash Player Game, Happy Wheels does just fine

Final Rank

Game Play

Last edited by ynvaser; Feb 3, 2013 at 09:17 PM.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."