Original Post
WTF is up with trolling?
Ya you heard right. I'm asking whats up with trolling. The gaming world is not what it used to be. Now all you see is young kids always trying to troll you because they think its the cool thing to do nowadays. It's not it's stupid and immature. I miss the old days where everyone was usually a good sport and always trying their best and giving respect when they get beat. I can't be the only one who still does it am I? Now i'm not saying i don't get mad. But I'll still say good game or nice move when it's needed. If the gaming world could go back to the way it used to be then maybe just maybe we could all get along and maybe there wouldn;t be as many bans on toribash anymore.

What do you guys think?

(I know their are gonna be some idiot's who try to troll. Here's a fair warning: Do it and I will report you.)