Original Post
[OoT] 5 word thread.
Erth said we could, and our activity is falling down below standards so we need to boost our activeness.

I'll start the thread off by saying a short paragraph

Once upon a time, in a land not far from camelot called Newfoundstagg was a lovely place in which many Zanders lived. These Zanders were kind people who did not harm other humans or animals. They lived purely off the love of the world and the oxygen. Zanders would always help someone in need no matter what happened no matter the need. A man named Facurachi was a entrepreneur in the area a figured that he could make a business of these Zanders, he used them so much as slaves day after day, their love for everything slowly withered away. Without love to live on many died off. the few left revolted and killed Facurachi. While this solved that, another problem emerged. These Zanders could no longer live off love, they now lived off fear,war,pain, and blood. These remaining Zanders starting killing to survive. Wars broke out, Cities crumbled. The Zanders Evolved over time and began to grow faster, stronger, weapons, stealth, everything a predator uses to kill. Humans lived in fear, hiding underground, but no use the Zanders could smell them. Their Razor sharp claws could easily cut through the strongest steels. One man described it as "Claws so sharp, your sharpest knives look dull, hits so strong, your best warrior looks weak, stealth so great, your ninjas look like 3 year old kids. But then one day a man named.... Named... NAMEDD>...

fuck this shit, latin.

anyways ^ that would ruin the game for serious now

once upon a time there...
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...