Original Post
I am leaving.
Sorry everyone. I know I didn't really give this too much of a shot, but this was a choice I made with out too much thought in the first place. It was kind of a case of "holy crap, I got asked to be in a clan!". It flattered me and I dove in without taking into consideration the after affects of my choice to join. The reason I am leaving is simply because I do not feel that my staying in the clan will benefit anyone involved. This has nothing to do with how "good" the clan is, more so with the fact that this is a clan that is going through changes, and I don't feel I should be a part of them, mostly for personal reasons (i.e. inactivity/apathy) I hope no one (in wHo or Urban) takes this as an offense, in all honesty you all are pretty cool people from what I have seen, and I would value that over anything. I just don't feel that joining was the right choice for me, and to perpetuate that would be wrong to all of us.

Good luck, see you around.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.