Name(real, you may use your first or full): My name is Michael
Talents(doesn't have to relate to Toribash): I was a soccer player but I tore my ACL(Ligament in the knee for those who do not know) which lead to me having to sit out for six months.
Forum/IRC/In-game Activity: Not so much of an IRC person but a big forum person. I posted on a different forum quite often but that forum died recently so the new forum I post in is here.
Which branch you would like to join:Navy
Who invited you(if anyone did): Not invited, I see the leader to be a mature person with good grammar which I find surprising because most of the people here don't know what grammar is.

I see my self to me mature and respectful, how ever I do not see what other think of me.

I am active on this forum as well as in-game. I want to start holding tournaments for tc

again because for some reason the game masters killed it. I want to be apart of uniteam

soon so I can help the new people and become the person people look up too.

~Welcome to the Force
Last edited by celloman; Oct 22, 2011 at 01:41 AM.