Originally Posted by Wolfe View Post
Ok. 1. Toast is the only player to have had one of everything.
2. Nothing is impossible.
3. Missuse is missing full void and full demon I believe.

1. nope, he's not the only player, nuthug has had every item, hector has had every item and so has missuse, although missuse has not had every acquirable item in the game, neither has Toast afaik, but nuthug and hector had every item, collector's, packs, etc..
2. true enough.
3. Nope, his friend Brucia holds all his 20kqi items since missuse is only a master belt. He's selling all the full sets of toribash for $350 right now in his thread.

As you were, gentlemen.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do