Original Post
[Event] The Golden Brush
Hello Everyone, welcome to my first event!
This Event consists in making ART!

I think it is time to show what secret artistic abilities you guys have. So in this event you will be able to show off your skills!


What will you be using?
Well basically I have thought of using gimp for this event so that no one has the advantage of a better quality program such as photoshop... but if you all members of secret agree to use photoshop then you are allowed to use it.
Now you can use whatever program you wish to use

What You can and can not do for this event:

What You CAN do:

drawings, heads, sets, gfx, sketches, 3d art, image editing.

What You CAN NOT do:
Poetry, compositions or vids

Only ONE art work post per person.
When you post your final work you will have to send me the editable file format so that i can see what you have done.... and this will help me consider your works or not... lol
I will be judging the art me and only me! BUAHAHAH
If you Rip you will be disqualified and you will lose my respect for the amount of time I decide....

also last but not least.....
Forum Rules are applied in this event!

1rst Prize- 2k and this set

2nd Prize- Full Marine Set

Im So Sorry for the people out of the clan who were intending to enter this event... you can not enter only secret members may...

The Event Ends The 8th Of OCTOBER!

Ive decided to creat a first due date were every participant will post their wip in that day not before not after the wip has to be posted that day ok?

Post your First WIP the 18th of September

Post Your First WIP the 25th of September

Want To See?




teague post

Last edited by Aitor21; Sep 18, 2011 at 09:58 PM.