

Belt:black belt

Current TC Amount:6k (6000 TC)

Past Clans:Impact, Rage

What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any):I had an account called gostboy but i lost its password (also black belt on the erg to 2nd dan)

Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"):none

Modes your good at:aikidobigdojo, wushu, aikido and a bit of taekkyon

Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..): Well i could say art, but more like banners and buttons(glossy buttons)

About yourself: I am a pround canadian who lives in montreal QC, I love to play starcraft 2 and starcraft Brood of War. I do really well in school that i can be considered a smart nerd, I love real time strategy games and I hack only for fun and with permition.

Why you want to join [eVo]: The names great, the members are all awesome (I watched a clan war), I fine its fun here not shlep like the other 2 clans. I found that this also can be a clan that feels like home to me.

What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?:Well I can bring a lot of aikidobigdojo skills and also there is this wushu move called the huricane or something like that, the move is when you go down and wait 2 turns to atack instead of one, well my wushu move can counter it everytime, so i can teach this move to all, not only does it counter that move also a lot of other wushu moves too.

HOPE I GET IN!!!!!! God give me the luck!!!!

Example of glossy button created by ME...(this was made for urban unit from before and i know there is a mistake on recruitment)
Attached Images
Urban. button.jpg (5.5 KB, 4 views)
urban recruitment button.jpg (13.2 KB, 4 views)