Original Post
Yo bro's D:
Sry but its time to say goodbye , i keep posting and keep asking if someone can actually check the replay thread and maby write something , i post art and try to judge about the art of my bros and noone even thinks about posting more or atleast say something.

Maby its possible to get the clan active again but i dont wanna waste time posting and waiting for someone to respond even if i know noone will.

Sorry Guys i will miss u all you are amazing and iam happy ive learned many things

~Special thanks to Lexx for teaching me a few things in Realism , zombieshit for making a nice avy that i will use for the rest of my life , Quite for the nice instructions on how to move and spin smooth.
Also if you need anything from me iam always here to help you guys out

Thank all of you.

Last edited by affei; Aug 22, 2011 at 05:53 AM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]