As I looked down the hallway, I noticed Brandon trying to make his way through the normal morning crowds. I held out my arm in front of Ra as a motion to make him stop. Brandon finally broke through and caught up to us.

“Hey, what happened Friday, you disappeared after the V.P. called you down to the office” he asked. “Where did you go?” Ra looked at me, waiting for an answer.
“My Dad was in a car crash” I lied, “I went down to the hospital to see him”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said in a sarcastic voice, “Now what really happened?”
“You’re a really bad liar” Ra said telepathically. I gave Ra a quick angry glance.
“Well…” I muttered. Then I thought back to what Mark had said.

“Swear to me you will never expose yourself, or I will kill you where you stand, understood?” The words rang in my head.

“I can’t exactly say what happened” I said slowly.
“Why not? I thought we were able to tell each other anything. We made a blood oath to prove it!” he exclaimed.
“You’re right. I should tell you.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Ra said with an angry tone.
“Listen here, he’s got so many secrets on me already and he’s never said a single one of them to anyone, no matter what. He is a brother to me, and can be trusted with anything, do you got that Ra?” I stated in an equally angry tone.
“Well? Are you going to tell me?” Brandon asked impatiently.
“Yes, I was attacked Friday by a man that the V.P. was working for. I was saved by another man who took me away from the school. He told me that the man who attacked me worked for an organization bent on dominating the planet. He worked for a team that was fighting against those psychos. I have been recruited into said team and am currently being trained as an alchemic warrior”
“Huh, sounds like it would make a great movie…” Brandon chimed in.
“Like hell we would let it become one!” Ra claimed with a clenched fist.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, we? I take it that you’re a part of the group?” Brandon said.
“Whoops…uhh, yeah” Ra confessed embarrassingly.
“Nice one Ra” I called out.
“Ra? That’s your name?” Brandon said as he scratched his head.
“You can call me Jake or Jacob, nothing else” Ra commanded.
“Whatever, so, what is an alchemic warrior?” Brandon asked with excitement.
“I’ll show you later” I said.
“No you won’t” Ra chimed in.
“Yes I will” I said back.
“No you won’t”
“Yes I will”
“No, you won’t”
“Yes, I will”
“No, you won’t”
“No, you won’t”
“Yes, I will! Sheesh could you be any more annoying!? He can see what I do!”
“Poorly…” Ra said as he walked away.
“That’s not where your class is” I stated. He stopped, turned around, and gave me the angriest look he’s ever given me.
“Let’s go then” he ordered.

School went by as normal, sneaking in as much sleep as normal. Ra had to introduce himself as Jake to all four classes. I saw a few girls’ eyes light up upon sight of him. Lucky piece of crap. School ended and he walked out with seven girl’s phone numbers in his pockets.

“You realize that you are a little old, right?” I asked.
“Yeah” Ra answered
“So, you not gonna call them, right?”
“Whoo!” Brandon said with a high-five to Ra.
“I’m gonna call one in particular” Ra said with a serious face.
“Huh? Which one? Why?” I fumbled out in confusion.
“You know how Mark goes to your school and is in the O.O.L. with us, right?”
“O.O.L.?” I asked, “What does that stand for?”
“Organization of Light, that’s the name of our group”
“Ok, but what does a girl have to do with the war?”
“What war?” Brandon said, I had forgotten we hadn’t told him everything yet.
“Long story,” I replied, “So, answer my question Ra, what does a girl have to do with any of this?”
“Let’s just say that Mark wasn’t the only alchemic in your school” Ra stated.
If brute force won't solve the problem, you're not using enough of it.