Original Post
[rvng] Application thread

If you want to join, make a freeform application.

Remember to make the application as convincing as possible. Be specific.
We'll watch your join date and posts too. But since you can't change that, it won't affect your chances of joining that much.
If I feel you're not active enough on the forums, I'll test you in-game.
Feel free to request a function as Co-Leader, but the chances of getting it would be smaller than if you were to apply for regular member.

If you use a format like the one below, you will instantly be rejected.
Forum activity:
In-game activity:
IRC activity:
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):
Best mods:
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):
Why you want to join: 
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): 
Any additional info about yourself:
If you don't know how to make a freeform application, including everything we need to know, you do not deserve a place in Revenge.

Last edited by David; Aug 2, 2012 at 10:07 PM.
~ [Tribe]Shade ~