Originally Posted by usimm View Post
Looking for some fully/almost-fully PvP mmo's.
Have tried GunZ and Global Agenda.

Mortal Online is open world pvp. In the city there are guards and you can yell /guard or w/e it was for them to come and attack the player attackig you. But outside the cities it's pvp anywhere, no matter what level you are. It's also first person and you have to actually aim with your sword/bow/magic. It's the most realistic mmo out there, imo. Only downside is it costs like 15$ a month I think, plus a 1 time purchase of like 30$. Still, I'd look into it if I were you.

Also it's a hugeeee world. The crafting system is good too, depending on the type of wood/metal/bone/everything you use the weapon will be different.

Damn, remembering all this makes me want to go buy another subscription, now.