Originally Posted by Deadmau View Post
Well Hello C3 (Colon 3)
My Name is Deadmau as you can clearly see,As you can see this is my Application that I hope you analyze and read throughly and hopefully accept Me into you clan
I have played Toribash now for about a year and during this year have improved gradually both ingame and forum wise.
Most of you will probably not know me but I hope that if accepted we will get to know one another and become quite the best of friends.
The reasons as to why you should accept me into your clan are well I am a gradually improving artist and I could assist you in any circumstance possible and well Im a preety nice,kind and creative guy once you get to know me this could help You.
Well That's All I Have To Say At The Moment If I You Have Any More Information You Need To Know (Apart From The Ones Below)Dont Hesitate To Ask
I am 12 Year's Old Turning 13 This December(Hope This doesnt affect your final decision)
My previous Clans were:Wireless And Cable if this information is to any help to you
Examples Of My Art Work:
(Was Just Messing around with brushes and this is what turned out)
(This is part of a set that's still UnderGoing Development)

Wireless and cable. holy shit they should be enemies.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.