Original Post
Random BSOD's
Hey there, for a few weeks I've been occasionally been getting some, DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, Bsod's.

To be completely honest I am inexperienced with Bsod's as I have never had one to fix before. :/ I have some other information such as:

NETIO.SYS - Adress FFFFF88001725B2D.

Not sure if this is exactly needed though. If it happens again I will write everything I see for the information and such. I bought this desktop from MSY a while a go, still have my 1 year warranty so I am going to ring them tomorrow and might take it in to them. This is only if I need to do it. That is why I am asking you guys, as it might not be needed.

Guys, I'm not just asking for a fix for it, I would also like to know if I should ring them and take it back in or not.

But, if this is fixable and you want me to give logs and find files etc, please give me some direction to where I might find them. So, thanks in advance guys.

Well, looks like no one really knows anything about this. But, for future use I think I have found the source of the error. Utorrent seems to be causing the Bsod's. Which is most likely caused from my antivirus, McAfee. After intense google searching I found some people with the same issues. I think I might uninstall mcafee tomorrow and analyse the outcome and let you guys know what happens.
Last edited by Oimanoi; Jun 19, 2011 at 02:12 PM.
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