Originally Posted by qwerty381 View Post
Heres a little about me,
Where to start, hmm... My Toribash name is Qwerty381, my real name is Scott, Yes you may call me butterscotch, hell you can call me fag if you want. I'm 12 years old(I realize this is a trend for people applying for this clan) and I am kind of good at rapping(Just a little bonus for all of you)
Now here are a few things that you might be a bit interested in,
I am an okay artist in GIMP and PS. I enjoy chilling on IRC with people I know and sometimes people I don't know. I am generally a good sport when it comes to losing. I'm a bit shy when it comes to being new to something, but that usually wears off in a few days when I get to know a few people.
I hope you consider my application. I tried to make it as neat as possible, and have it all with correct grammar and punctuation!

Neutral at the moment. I'll sit back and observe other people's opinions before I make one myself.

Originally Posted by Wolc View Post
I deserve to be in C3 cause I have many skills. My name is Wolc the mighty, Son of Ymmot the Just. I have many champion belts and many more after the next few winters. RIDE WITH ME MY COMRADES LET US TAKE TO THE NIGHT LIKE WHORES IN A BACK ALLEY AWAAYYYYY!!!!

Don't post here again. This refers to all the posts after your application (which gets a GTFO!!! right off the bat), as they're spam and completely useless. If you continue to spam, you'll be reported for invading.

A prime example would be your post:
Originally Posted by Wolc
The Light of Justice will always smite evil scourge such as thyself. With me at C3's side we shall be a force to be reckoned with! Casting aside knaves such as this kt700 character. WITH ME MY MEN AT ARMS WE SHALL FIGHT FOR THE REALM! FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by DarkeVipr View Post

/LastGod impression (ごめんなさい。)

私を模倣するしないでください。( ̄へ ̄)
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