Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
spirit's Story
Looking back on my life
I see footprints on a sandy beach
With 2 sets of footprints for the best times of my life
But only one for the worst times
I ask a person in the mist beside me
Why in the worst times of my life, there are only one set of footprints?
The person in the mist responded,
"My son, that was when the spirits carried you."

I turned to look at the Person in the Mist, with only one question pounding in my head - who and what are the spirits?
The Person in the Mist turns slowly and looks at me, i finally see he is an old man, with great wisdom.
"They are a great, and unknown brotherhood, skilled in the art of Toribash, and they carry great knowledge. You must be worthy to join the brotherhood, for they have blessed you with eternal life and immortality - they have faced, and beaten your demons."
I pondered this for a split second, with the mist swirling around me like a twisty tornado.

Then the Man in the Mist started to fade. I leaped forward, my heart pounding.
"Wait - who are you?!"
Then, quite suddenly, I feel a warm, but hard presence behind me. I turn slowly, breathing hard.

The Brotherhood.

With no warning at all, I feel at peace with myself, with the outside, no longer wanting, no longer bound by my ancient human traits - I have been accepted - the greatest moment I have ever felt.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!