Originally Posted by lumpysolo View Post
someone should get more clan admins...

Not needed ATM.

Originally Posted by vespesi3n View Post


Originally Posted by Sunny View Post
will the tori-wiki ever be regularly updated? or is it being regularly updated?

Wiki's are community updated, so if something needs updated then someone should go update it.

Keep in mind that if anyone deliberately fucks with it I'll personally stamp on their face.

Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
how do i see when my vip/tp expires?

and how about if someone bought it for me, I remember there was some kind of page where it said "your shit expires in blah"

Hmm, I remember that but I've no idea what happened to it. Other than poking admins/ninjas (not sure if Smods can see subscription dates) to find out the easiest way would be to look on Paypal in your statments. You'll be able to figure it out from that.
(yes I read that someone else bought it, but I like general answers)

[note for anyone who doesn't know: 1 year for Prime, 6 months for VIP]

In your case: Forum VIP Dec 18, 2010 to Jun 18, 2011

Originally Posted by E8itium View Post
Gentlemen, we have a problem.

I mean, there's something wrong beetween two players in aikido; no DQing if one hits the floor. Any suggestions?
Yes, the other player had his head out of the ring touching floor for three turns.
Semipro, Aikido.

Sometimes aikido glitches like that due to the daft amount of collision data. If the other player doesn't DQ due to it either let go of them, or do a hold all/relax all.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you