Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Video Advertizing
! Hey there Hunters !

I have an Interesting Idea that could boost our clan profit by quite abit if it done correctly .

The Mod Team was complaining about how to improve the mod comunity and get people interested . So I started to think of what the TB website is missing ( It defenently needs a complete over haul ) and video advertizing came to mind .

If anyone has played combat arms or anyother online game , there site has voice and video advertizment ( especialy Combat Arms ) for various anoucments .

We should do the same , but not the voice , just yet lol SO I would like to give this a try ... we would first focus on new mod realeses first , but only the good ones . None of those " my first mod " and crap , F@!k those mods lol

What the advertizment would consist of :

1. Introduction " A Hunters Porduction"

2. Mod Name ( or more than one )

3. Modders Name

3. A pan around of the mod and possibly some game play

4. advertizing as if it was a comercial

5. 30 seconds of footage for each mod

Advertizment price would be 5000- 8000 tc per 30 seconds .

If this is a sucsess , than full texture sets, auctions with prices and events could be next.

This kind of thinking could inspire a whole new look for Toribash .

What do you think guys , could we pull this off ??
Last edited by TRichard21; Apr 22, 2011 at 05:32 PM.