Originally Posted by urmybch1 View Post
Hey guys, I finally decided to apply Glow. :o

So here is why I want to join this clan: I have seen it grow and not so much, I have relations with a couple of the people in this clan too so that is a given reason why I would like to join. Also I've seen that this clan likes to chill and just hang out, Which I love to just mess around but not be a dick at the same time. Also I have a GMT of -5 just so that you will know what time it will be and stuff when I'll get on and such. Hehe and my real life name is Fate, but I'm a guy ._. just saying. Also "I choose this clan because" it really sticks out to me, I've seen tons of the clan tags in game and on forum so I can tell this clan has a outnumbering community of most other clans. Also I've decided to apply because I've seen alot of the people I know in here which kinda made me have to apply. And sorry for the short application, right now I have pneumonia so can't really stay on here long. Also forgot to say that I'm 15.


P.S. Don't ask about my name, This account was an alt that my friend made for fun but then I made it my main account.....Trying to get a name change.

I really wanted you to be a newfag
really bad

Too bad you aren't, yes.