Original Post
rittu and current false accusations
The first thing i want to talk about is this "racism" that has been going on.
Can someone explain to me how someone is racist against Brazilians without them being a race? It doesn't make any sense. Brazilians are people who live in Brazil. I see how you could be prejudiced against them, but no racism could have possibly occurred.

<Yoyo> fine, rittu was not racist and should've not been demoted.
Why is rittu even demoted? He displayed no form of racism whatsoever on the forums. There are no rules in IRC so this long conversation that has been posted in all of these complaint threads shouldn't change anyone's mind. This post in wibbles where he commented on speaking Portuguese, it isn't racism. He was the overseer of wibbles, he was an admin, so if he wants to tell someone to speak English, well then he should tell them by all means.

siku is banned. He was the one who was actually "racist". Even he shouldn't have been banned for this. I agree that he was being prejudiced, but there are no rules on IRC. Also i have heard that it wasn't even siku that posted the post that got him banned, so really what are you accomplishing. siku said that it was Imsku, now if you want to do something about that it is your choice. But siku didn't really do anything to break the rules. That being the actually siku, not his account.

And lastly,
What did you Brazilians accomplish? You got an old, funny ninja banned. You got a great admin, MS member, and an overall good guy demoted from his position. You caused a huge ruckus on the forums and in IRC, and you got a ton of people mad.

I'm not telling anyone to do anything, i just think that all of this is really dumb.

Also, I am not prejudiced against Brazilians in any way. I actually liked a bunch of them before all of this happened. void, Yoyo, Matheus, Leonardo, and a few others. They were all cool guys who were fund to have around. Now i get 5 queries in IRC telling me that rittu got demoted (even though i already knew), and i have to go and tell them that i dont agree with it.

So yeah.