i find this thread rather funny. everyones just stating their faveorite games and saying its revolutionary. most of them aren't especially halo. halo brought nothing new to gaming its just an average shooter with a decent multiplayer that got incredibly popular so all u fanboys can STFU

most modern games are not revolutionary in any way whatsoever. im not so sure about older games as i haven't played half of them. there are some games that are not viewed as revolutionary but may well be viewed as revolutionary some day. littlebigplanet 1 and 2 and minecraft. the reason i feel that thes games are revolutionary is that it proves to developers that u don't need fancy story lines and graphics to make a good game. all u need is to perfect a simple game concept.
i feel that over the last few years gaming has went downhill. in terms of technical achievement its got better but in terms of creating a game which fulfills its purpose; for u to enjoy playing it. recently theres been a massive increase in FPS's like halo, COD, and GOW where the nature of the game causes players to become obsessed and way too serious and newcomers are ridiculed. i see people completely flip out at games all the time and yet persist that they are enjoying themselves. the games i mentioned and many more are not designed for fun they are designed so that people can waste away their lives sat infront of the game whilst getting pissed at it. i don't see the point.

i sorta went off on a tangent a bit there =D
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