Spamming is a dumb way to get your post count up, he should learn before he is let back in.

I don't believe you got my point. What is Bleu? We are here to promote the game, promote the community, create disciplined players. "There is no bad student, only bad teachers." What you are currently saying is: Oi, suck because your broke the rules, and I don't care if you knew them or not, become better and we'll consider you. Really? Firstly, at which point is he counted "better"? Secondly, why are you so picky and selective on the recruitment system? Again, we are here to create discipline and promote the game. Instead, we could reply with: It's alright, just remember to learn from your lessons, and never do it again. We should be TEACHING these new people to the forums of what's right and what's wrong, we don't let them teach themselves. If you believe you cannot handle this work, and they're just a waste of time to you. Sorry to say, but I don't believe you are fit for the job.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op