Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
remember isn't only a question of belt.The belt limit is just a good way for don't let post here lot of newbie like in evo-alpha-bncy forum.Only thing real needed are skills,and judo isn't the best mod for gain it(btw even judo can help..i learned how to comeback from that mod)

Yes I am aware of that and don't worry, I play all mods regulary to improve, but I almost never played judo since brown belt.

If it isn't a question of belt for me to join Jolly then I wouldn't bother with trying to belt up a bit faster ^^

As for comebacks, judo is too unstable for me. Random dms, way too grabby and so on. I'd rather practice wushuu more for them.

Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
True it is good to learn saving yourself without certain limbs, and coming to continue fights.
The only f*ckd up thing about judo is the first turn ( allways 50% 50% ) and allmost "all people that play it" show real lack of creativity with their openers, so it gets boring seeing thesame 4 openers allways.

There's also the very low dm threshold and the high turn frame. Takkeyon for me seems a better practice for defense and strategy.