[02:52] gimme money [02:52] and ill b uy a new pc :D [02:52] go to one PC shop... go walking... then u pretends u are looking it ... [02:53] THEN U CATCH AND RUN [02:53] RUUUN [02:53] RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN [02:53] RUN THE MAX U CAN [02:53] lol [02:53] then hide.. login toribash forum... and play :D [02:54] etc etc [02:54] problem fixed [02:54] * ExtremeNil slaps gLawlFreak around a bit with a large fishbot [02:54] i cant [02:54] I CAAAAAAAAANT [02:55] u can't run? [02:55] ima good boy :3 [02:55] also im fat [02:55] ... G_G [02:55] xD jk [02:55] lol [02:55] ima hot [02:55] wow glawl [02:55] i have kperry body [02:56] now it's interesting [02:56] :3 [02:56] keep with this homo.... [02:56] lolno [02:56] brb baby [02:56] I"M NOT A BABY [02:57] and not gay tooo [02:57] i'm not humam [02:57] i'm not animal [02:57] i'm not bitch [02:57] i'm not a cow [02:57] i'm a flying turtle [02:57] \o [02:57] ops [02:58] i'm NOT a flying turtle [02:58] lol [02:58] i'm not one sexal object code:
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage