  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all? I played a large amount of games, untill my Xbox got screwed. I dont really play as much nowadays.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? Mostly FPS... Some sports games if I my friends are on.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? To pass time and for fun. Yes I am that much of a lazy ass.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? All of them. To be fair I never really payed attention to storylines of games. Kinda makes me feel wierd
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? I dont.
  6. What do you think of elitism? I dont pay attention things like that.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? ^
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? Never liked them. And never will.
  9. Anything else you can think of? Like................?
Last edited by Rfifan; Jan 29, 2011 at 01:55 AM.