Original Post
Why do you game, and what do you play, and how much do you play?

After reading some massive discussion on Gamasutra about Elitism, I decided to find out what everyone plays

Stay a while, and listen! And answer me these questions three times three;
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?
  6. What do you think of elitism?
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?
  9. Anything else you can think of?

Personally I play a lot of games, and change often. Most days I play 3-5 games, but I swap out a lot. Yesturday I played Minecraft, The Path, Warcraft 3, SC2 and Magicka. I prefer to play for a neat story or experience, like in The Path, but I play a lot for social reasons, like Minecraft and Warcraft 3, both of which I am part of large active communities that I have a lot of friends in. But I also like to keep up with the latest games, and find new games that have different styles of gameplay (which is also why I play WC3 custom maps), like Magicka. SC2 I play for social reasons, and because it's like realtime futuristic space chess (in my mind at least), and who doesn't want that?
I never have been able to play 1 game religiously, the way some people play CoD or WoW. Neither have I really been able to get in to MMOs, although I have played Aion, Warhammer Online, WoW. I guess GuildWars is the exception, that was hella fun.

Also, I generally look down on people who have a small scope of games, I feel that variety is the spice of life, and lifes gotta be hella spicey to be good.
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