Original Post
Making a game in rpgmvx
So i update this.
Enough people saw the previous text etc.
Amazing Bo wrote a story and we will pretty much work on this.

We are currently 5 working on this game and only god know when it will be ready.
Why am i posting the story here?
Well because you can read it of course.
We will build the game from this story, and the names we are using is brainstorming names, we will change these at a later date.

Feel free to comment etc, i will upload pics and info and all this in time, we will continue working on monday, now when we got a place to work with the computers, and everything! I will upload photos where we work and all this.

We are building websites, making logos, banners and more, we sell these to companies who needs it..
We are currently working on a website for a team helping younger persons find a job.
We are doing this game because its fun , and we will do this in rpgmvx, this will be totally custom with own music and sprites all this.

Anyways, here is the story for the game,
I hope you are in the mood for reading haha,
feel free to comment.

Cylien - Orphan Blades

Early history (6 years old)

"Don't run off like that girl! I need you to be here with your sister. Melia hollered.
"Yes mother." Cylien sighs but sits down with her little sister.
"I have so much work now and i need you to let me finish this tunic for Lady Magines,
otherwise we are not eating."

She takes out her favourite ragdoll and for once let's the little girl play with it. Cylien is a
lively girl nearly 6 years old with golden blonde hair and light aquamarine blue eyes. She has
a growing talent for mischief and a growing reputation among the children for inventing new
ways to find trouble.

The children loses themselves playing house with the dolls until they hear the familiar
creaking from the garden gate as their father Eli comes home from work in the docks. They
rush to the door to greet him, but instead of the hugs and the tickles their father usually greets
them with, he looks drawn and pale.

"Cylien" he says sternly.
"I need you to take your sister outside for a minute. I need to talk to your mother."
She glances at her father to see if he will give her any hint on whether she is in trouble
again. She weighs the possibilities if her father could have heard about the broken pottery at
the market this morning. It really wasn't her fault! It shouldn't be placed that close to the
table's edge! And she was pushed!
"Yes father." She says and ushers the protesting sister outside in their small garden.

"Dear, he says as he sits down in his chair, I..."
He pauses and tears start forming in his eyes.
"I need you to take the children to your parents"
He looks out the window and coughs heavily. He stops her as she stands up.
"No don't come close, love!"
"But she says, why?" Worry is shining from her face.
"I am sick, my love and i think you know what that means." He looks up at her.
"John the Thumb died this morning, Mavius went home last week and we havn't seen him
since, the word is he is on his deathbed at the priests. Three more of the new ones have taken
ill and the foreman... He is trying not to show it but he's got it." He pauses and wipes a tear
from his eye.
"But there can be no doubt. I will be dead in a matter of days."

Cylien and her little sister is taken to their grand parents but Melia returns to be with her
husband and they pass away in difteria within a few days of each other. The grand parents are
left without means to support two small children and sends Cylien off to a distant relative.

But the epidemic is still in full swing and her new family all contract the sickness and Cylien
is left all alone in the streets. She tries to get help to reach her grand parents, but in a city
in chaos and widespread paranoia of contracting the sickness, a little girl will not be heard.

The orphan (6 - 8 years old)
The skinny little girl looks down from her vantage point right over the merchant's stalls. She
Knows that she only have one chance and if he catches her he will beat her senseless.
"Wouldn't be the first time, she thinks, but i will never be caught again."
She is getting better at judging the right moment to make a move. No hesitations, just go and
get the fruit when he is talking with a customer, and slip away into the crowded market.

She stands up to a crouch and starts to move but is stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
"Naah i wouldn't if i were you, girlie. Ole Hagar isn't to play with and i'll be damned to hell
before i let a little girlie take my dinner tonight"
She spins around in vortex of fear and white rage and pummels the boys face with a flurry of
blows and kicks furiously to get away from him, but another set of hands holds her down
"Oh calm down girlie, the boy says, we mean no harm."
Realizing that she can't get away she relaxes but wary for any chance to make a run for it.

"Damn girlie, you landed a solid punch on Ole Rubius!" He rubs his cheek and makes a show
of being in pain.
"See that Pilfer you little rat. That's how you fight! Think about this little girlie will you, next
time you decide to run off in a scuffle." Pilfer mumbles something and looks away.

"here have a piece, you must be hungry." He tears a piece of bread of a small loaf and offers
it to her. She looks wide eyed at the bread and at the face of the smiling boy maybe twelve
years old. After a little while the hungereats away the fearand she takes the bread gingerly
ready to make a run for it but decided to stay, for now, as the two boys seem to be friendly.

"Now then girlie, what do we do with you? This is my territory and the Daymaster needs his
cut. I can't have other little thieves stealing in my territory."


With the help of Rubius, Cylen gets introduced to the Thieves Guild. By now she has
managed to survive almost two years on her own in the streets around tarantias commons
district. Her resilience and drive (and sharp nails and theeth!) quickly earns her respect among
the other young waifs and cut purses in the guild. Running little scams, playing the desperate
lost child as a young girl while the other children cuts the purses of the marks she starts
developing her skills as a rouge.

The fledgling killer (10 - 20 years old)
"Now focus child! you need to stay focused and then strike true. You only have one chance
to get it right." Cylien spins around and tries again. It's sleight of hand, like she did when
cutting purses, get the mark to see what you want them to see, focusing on the wrong thing.
I's all in the feet, the balance, to strike hard with the right hand dagger, a quick step back
with the left foot, flash your left dagger to make him see it and then sink the right hand dagger to
the hilt under the rib cage and then finish with the left dagger in the neck. He will be dead
before he hits the ground.

Ramirez looks on as the now fourteen year old practices the quick frontal attack sequence
over and over again. "She is scrawny, he thinks to himself, but there is a drive there that will
stand her in good stead as she grows more in skill."

Ramirez has seen his share of children coming through his training halls. They all are the
same to him. He knows they will be found gutted in the street sooner or later. That's why they
are here. That's their purpose. He used to have concerns about it, but, atleast here they are fed
until they end up dead, raped or missing. Atleast he can give them some means of fighting

He sighs to himself, Cylien shows promise but she will die like the rest of them. Maybe he
could talk to the Nightmaster, Lieva, see if she could take on the girl. Atleast her skill would
be of use there. There would be more assassinations, less mugging, more danger sure, but
with skill also more controllable.

Cylien is transferred to the night crawlers and is soon taking her own assignments. She allies
closely with the Night Master and Lieva and together they form a successful tea,
the ten year older Lieva trains her in the social skills needed to carry herin different circumstances she
might encounter. As an assassin Cylien is able to get close to her victims as they never
suspect the pretty young girl to be anything but a plaything for their lust. At eighteen she is a
scourge of the back alleys of the city. Lieva and Cylien grow in importance within the guild.

Renegade (20 - 22 years old)
"cylien! She turns smiling as she hears rubius, now a guild basher, Thank Mitra i found you!
You must run from here! All hell is breaking loose! They have Lieva and Ramirez' Throat is
cut not an hour ago. Lieva will get the traitors death in the morning! They are coming for you

All blood drains away from Cyliens and she feels the tears rush to her eyes. "No, she
says. I have to go to her, i can free her! I have to save Lieva!

"Don't be an idiot girl! Rubius puts his hand on her shoulder, you WILL be caughht and they
will not be gentle, do you hear me. girlie? Now run, I have to go. If i see you again I will have
to kill you and I would really hate that Cylien!


Captured! (22 years old)

The court yard is empty apart from a few guards patrolling every now and then. It's a perfect
night. No moon and clouded skies makes the night almost impenetrable. Cylien traverses the
roof and edges her way towards the balcony. Her mark should be asleep by now. It's easier
then, less messy, she can use poison, a few drops in an open mouth and that is that. Just a job
really, no feelings on this one, she got the contract on this merchant via the usual channels.
She silently opens the balcony door and listens. No sound, just the snoring of the merchant
and his wife. She waits.

After a couple of minutes she dicides to make her move. Slips in through the door and softly
moves towards the bed. A sudden movement behind her, a creak of a floor board! She spins
around but it is too late. The cudgel strikes her on the side of the head and knocks her out

She is thrown in a holding cell for two days and is eventually brought up to face the captors.

"Well, well, well our Cylien has remerged i see, you should know by now we cannot
tolerate activities in guild matters in our city. And that is not even considering we have a
traitor here." The guild master looks at her with scorn.

"Kill her will you Rubius? I can't be bothered with this."
"Can i suggest something sire?" Rubius says quickly, she has been out of the guild for almost
two years now. She knows nothing of value that can harm us. Not really. But she may still
be a profit. Sell her to the slavers. She is pretty enough and will fetch a good price as a whore

"Hmm, you have a point, very well, see to it Rubius."

Making a show of treating Cylien roughly Rubius shoves her out of the room abd throws her
down a flight of stairs. Picking her up, he whispers under his breath;
"Damn idiot, i should have killed you before girlie. But it is my fate to get you out of these
things it seems. Yes a slave is a shit life, but it is life. And the alternative is the traitor's death in
the acid barrel and you know it!


Slave (22 years old)

The sale is quick and she is brought in chains to the hold of the slavers galley bound for the
southlands. Once a day the slave master makes the women come on deck where he picks his
whore for the night. They need to be broken in he says. Trained. Docile. Better to sell then.
All the youngest goes first. She hears their screams and cries for mercy, any god or their
mothers, but ofcourse noone comes to help or rescue. They are thrown back in the mornings.
Used, spent and with the glazed look of one who has lost all hope.

Cylien is eventually chosen. She looks as the slavers guard comes to get her and gets ready.
She knows what to do, it's her nature. He is leering, going to try to touch her as he pulls her

"Come on now whore, he says as he reaches for her, the master is waiting for you, then me
then the rest of the guards!" He laughs, Cylien is calm, this is easy.

She quickly grabs his arm and makes a sharp strike at his throat crushing his wind pipe and as
he goes down she grabs his dagger and sticks it in his eye. It's over in secounds. She lunges fore
the guard on her right and with a fluid movement has slit his throat before he has a chance to

The master is her next target. She speeds across the deck of the galley but as she is about
to gut him the boat heaves on a wave and she looses her footing and falls. The guards are on
her immediatly. She fights, bites, and claws at the men's flesh as they try to restrain her, biting
the throat and killing one more sailor and tearing the eye out of another. But in the end they win
and she is covered in blood when they throw her in a cell.

In the morning she is brought up. They tie her to the rack. And with every woman slave
watching they begin their torture. As a finale they gouge her left eye and leave her hanging
there to die.

The avenger (22 - ) Not ready, Bo will continue on this whenever he feels like it.

Us who are making the game:

Jelly - all random stuff, from spriting to builder, eventer.
Neij - music maker
Koffe - random stuff.
Thess - spriter, painter, backgrounds etc.
Bo - story writer, and random stuff.

We are not in need for additional people.
Last edited by Dagger; Mar 5, 2011 at 08:26 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert