Original Post
The Neo-Retro gamer...
So we all know modern gamers. And we all know retro gamers. So, what, may you ask, is the neo-retro gamer?
The Neo-Retro gamer is the guy who plays games whose content overrules and/or outweighs their graphics. He plays games that have modern level development, and have used modern technology in a modern world to create a game in a retro style. He plays re-textures and engine mods of classical games.
The Neo-Retro gamer, essentially plays games such as Cave Story, DarkPlaces and roguelikes.

Here are some examples by genre:

Retro Gamer: DooM, Wolfenstein 3d, Quake, Blood, Duke3D
Modern Gamer: CoD MW2 and BO, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Halo etc.
Neo-Retro Gamer: doomsday, DarkPlaces, JDuke, JStrife, Jwhatever.

Platform Shooter
Retro Gamer: Biomenace, Commander Keen, Crystal Caves, Secret Agent, Dangerous Dave
Modern Gamer: (Hard to say, but Little Big Planet is the closest I can think of)
Neo-Retro Gamer: Cave Story

Life Simulation
Retro Gamer: SimAnt, SimEarth, Alter Ego
Modern Gamer: The Sims series
Neo-Retro Gamer: Dwarf Fortress (argueably)

Retro Gamer: Rogue (:P)
Modern Gamer: N/A (unless someone can enlighten me)
Neo-Retro Gamer: IVAN, ADOM, Nethack

So, are YOU a neo-retro gamer? Would you like to suggest more examples? Want to debate anything I put in the above? Want to be so kind as to tell me about more of these neo-retro games? Then post away!
Disclaimer: the term "neo-retro" gamer has been used for lack of a better word or lack of knowledge of a better word. The games mentioned in the examples are strictly the opinion of the poster and are not the views of the entire world. Respectable suggestions for examples will be added to the initial post.