Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Working the Server
This is a list of things that I know how to do with the server
Feel free to suggest more things to put on here or add your knowledge and I'll update it

Our Moderators


Getting started:

/pa <the password>---------authorizes you on the server
/set------------------------shows you all of the server's current settings

Changing things:

/reset----------------------resets the server to its new settings
/set mod <mod name>------EXACT spelling including caps required
/set ed ####--------------distance between tori and uke
/set eh ####--------------how far above the ground tori and uke start
/set er ###----------------in degrees, turns characters to their left
/set dq 0,1-----------------0 turns dq off, 1 turns dq on
/set ds ####--------------0 means no dojo, larger number = larger dojo
/set sumo 0,1--------------0 means wrist and ankles DO dq, 1 = they dont
/set dqtimeout **----------its new, delay before a dq counts
/set di 0,1------------------0 turns dismemberment off, 1 is on
/set dt ###----------------0 makes players explode, 100 is normal,
/set da ###----------------0 is no self damage, more is more
/set fr 0,1------------------0 turns fracture off, 1 turns it on
/set ft ###----------------lower ft = easier fractures,higher = less fractures
/set mf ####--------------matchframes, how long the match lasts
/set tf ##------------------turnframes, how long each turn is

Server changes:

/set desc <text>|no spaces--what shows up when you choose the server
/set motd <text>|no spaces--what shows up when you enter the server
/set mc 0,16-----------------number of players allowed in the server
/set experience ####--------number of matches players must have played
/set queuejump 0,1-----------0 and 1 turn it off and on. it makes people bypass the waiting list

Kicking People:

First, type /status. This will list the people in the room with their ID to the left and their IP to the right.

/kick ID message-------------kicks the person from the room temporarily
/ban IP message-------------bans the person from the room

I don't know how fspec works


The way this list works is first you choose if you want DQ or not, then choose dismemberment or not, then choose fracture or not, then choose grip or not.

/set flags 1-16

Flag 11 DQ = yes,---DM = yes,----Frac = yes,---Grip = yes
Flag 15 DQ = yes,---DM = yes,----Frac = yes,---Grip = no
Flag 3 DQ = yes,----DM = yes,-----Frac = no,----Grip = yes
Flag 7 DQ = yes,----DM = yes,-----Frac = no,----Grip = no
Flag 9 DQ = yes,----DM = no,-----Frac = yes,---Grip = yes
Flag 13 DQ = yes,---DM = no,-----Frac = yes,---Grip = no
Flag 1 DQ = yes,----DM = no,-----Frac = no,----Grip = yes
Flag 5 DQ = yes,----DM = no,-----Frac = no,----Grip = no

Flag 10 DQ = no,----DM = yes,----Frac = yes,---Grip = yes
Flag 14 DQ = no,----DM = yes,----Frac = yes,---Grip = no
Flag 2 DQ = no,-----DM = yes,----Frac = no,----Grip = yes
Flag 6 DQ = no,-----DM = yes,----Frac = no,----Grip = no
Flag 8 DQ = no,-----DM = no,-----Frac = yes,---Grip = yes
Flag 12 DQ = no,----DM = no,-----Frac = yes,---Grip = no
Flag 16 DQ = no,----DM = no,-----Frac = no,-----Grip = yes
Flag 4 DQ = no,-----DM = no,-----Frac = no,----Grip = no
Last edited by Infants; Mar 24, 2008 at 01:09 AM.
One time I saw a ghost
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