Kaszanas: What a tough choice.

The first one was a little clumsy but good nonetheless. You stood around and did nothing a bit too much in the skating one to impress me (although the trick itself is pretty good). The last was just cool.

So I'd say you're pretty good. Wouldn't say you're in ORMO yet, but you're not far from it either.

SWEXxELITE: Your first two replays are really good. Totally ORMO quality on those. But the last was just meh. It looked generic and a little sloppy.

You're also just a cut below ORMO, but do try again later.

ittybitty: You could have done so much more with the first replay, it had so much potental, but it leads to two average punches. The second was better, but it seems like you just stops moving in the middle of the replay. Looks weird. Last one was good, not a lot of critique to give there.

ALSO a cut below ORMO.

Romirez91: Replace the second replay with something better and you're in. Pleeeaaase do this because I want to let someone in.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread