Original Post
A muslims perspective of 9/11
[18:59] <MIMZ360> Hey guys guess what?!?!?!?!? :DDDDD
[18:59] <MIMZ360> :D
[18:59] <LostWorld> What.
[19:00] * LostWorld slaps Dex around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:00] <MIMZ360> RAMADAN is coming up ^^
[19:00] <LostWorld> Who
[19:00] <MIMZ360> Ramadan
[19:00] <MIMZ360> (muslim holiday
[19:00] <LostWorld> is it like cristmas?
[19:00] <MIMZ360> no
[19:00] <LostWorld> :O
[19:01] <LostWorld> what is it like then
[19:01] <MIMZ360> Its when we pray to allah and fast for a month
[19:01] <LostWorld> wow sounds fun lol.
[19:01] <MIMZ360> no drinks,food, nor sex
[19:01] <MIMZ360> but
[19:01] <LostWorld> Have fun starving.
[19:01] <MIMZ360> its ok if u break the fst but if you do you have to give some food or money to charity
[19:02] <LostWorld> Lol, how do you go without food for a month lol.
[19:02] <MIMZ360> by fast i mean we dont eat nothing all day until dusk :/
[19:02] <MIMZ360> ^^
[19:02] <LostWorld> Oh, so at dusk you can have sex right?
[19:02] <MIMZ360> basicly you can eat, drink have sex yea
[19:03] <LostWorld> Yayz, arent muslims kinda harsh though, i mean i hear they stone ppl to death.
[19:04] <MIMZ360> Those my friend are radical muslim
[19:04] <MIMZ360> they do bad things in the name of allah
[19:04] <LostWorld> You mean the ppl in middle east >.>
[19:04] <MIMZ360> for example in the Quran (muslim ninle) it says whoever is not muslim is a enemy. Some ppl think that means kill every body who iz not muslim
[19:05] <MIMZ360> bible*
[19:05] == Dex [webchat@FD6446C4.3110C2CE.D5A72F66.IP] has quit [Ping timeout]
[19:05] <LostWorld> Shit your my enemy :O
[19:05] <MIMZ360> But muslim is a religion of peace really
[19:05] <MIMZ360> its just
[19:05] <LostWorld> hates everyone else.
[19:06] <MIMZ360> that ppl listen to the stereotypes like goerge bush who say bad things about our religion
[19:06] <MIMZ360> For example
[19:06] <LostWorld> Terroist!!!
[19:06] <LostWorld> Run1
[19:06] <LostWorld> omg hes after me.
[19:06] <MIMZ360> Who do you think bombed the world trade center? honestly?
[19:06] <LostWorld> Terroists.
[19:07] <MIMZ360> who r terrorist? asian black, middle east, or just terrorist? :/
[19:07] <LostWorld> Middle east.
[19:08] <MIMZ360> Most ppl dont believe this but the ppl of the middle east did not bomb the towers it waz goerge bush
[19:08] <MIMZ360> believe it or not :/
[19:08] <MIMZ360> he bombed it becaz of oil
[19:08] <LostWorld> Why would he sabotage us lol.
[19:09] <MIMZ360> Iraq refused o share their oil with the U.S so goerge bombed the towers so we can go to war with the middle eastern ppl
[19:09] <MIMZ360> and said that terrorist did it :/
[19:09] <LostWorld> so he hired suicide bombers.
[19:09] <LostWorld> :/
[19:09] <MIMZ360> basicly
[19:10] <MIMZ360> and really the U.S is the most hated country in the world :/
[19:10] <LostWorld> wow, brb making thread
[19:10] <MIMZ360> k
[19:10] <LostWorld> and i know u.s. is most hated.

this was a snipet of me tlaking to mimz360 a muslim, we start talking about it near the end.

Last edited by LostWorld; Aug 3, 2010 at 02:14 AM.