Original Post
I guess I might as well.
I was going to leave like a thief in the night but I changed my mind and wanted to say a few things before I part with the forums permanently.

I'm not leaving simply because of the incident with me, chac and SkulFuk. It was the reason I left in the end, but the events leading up to my leaving played a much bigger part. For the last year I've woken up to 15 queries and a full inbox, and it's really taken a toll these last few months. The only reason I stayed was because I enjoyed most of the staff and IRC was my home away from home. During the later months things started to slump. I didn't know that it went as deep as Skul getting forwarded half of the smods work, but I knew it wasn't going too hot. We replaced people, we tried new things, and they didn't work. It was fun while it lasted, but it's actually quite hard to run your personal life when you put hours into something like this every day. Props to people like hanz0 who can balance it, but I just can't/don't want to anymore. Believe me when I say I don't give two ratshits if any of you hate me, because I really don't. I'm making this thread to say goodbye the few real friends I had here, and make amends with the upper staff for what happened.

Firstly, hampa and veb. I know that the site will be fine without me and SkulFuk, but I'm truly sorry for all that happened in the past few weeks, because a lot of it was my fault. I would hope that the site doesn't take any hits and you guys stay successful. Best of luck to you both, I want to see TB get bigger and bigger. It's still the true definition of an innovative game and I never got bored with it.

[sheep] and ex [sheep]. You guys know where to find me. I really hope I don't lose contact with you because you've all been some of my closest friends for nearly two years.

avwave. This is odd but I really looked up to you as a person. You're strong-willed, hilarious, and talented. Your situation with your sister and how you handled it really made me proud to be your friend.

I'd do more but this thread will most likely be hard-deleted in a matter of hours. I'm having my ban replaced so I probably will not check this thread again.

y'all have a great life. I'm out of here.