Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Semi-Quitting Toribash
Hey, this may or may not be long but you better read it all anyway.
It'll be really rambly and I'll change subjects before you can say "who gives a shit", but here goes.

So I started off in the community like most players, I got hooked on the game, and I liked to play dressup with my tori a lot. A whole lot. I even spent a couple dollars on doing it. A bit later, I decided I wanted to make more tc. I got Gimp, pretty much failed at that until a lot later. But this was great because it introduced me to the forums. And I liked them a lot, that was where shit got done. So I made some friends, most of them left. Turns out they were all ub3r n00bs. Oh well. I made new friends etc, and I started actually getting some respect on the forums. Yay for me. Of course, for the most part, the forums were just a time consumer. And I thought.."you know what would be cool? To have something more to do with these forums than being a regular member." This is for the most part mistaken as "power-hunger", but there really is no such thing on this forum. Because the truth is, power doesn't really come with benefits besides respect which really doesn't come with power, power comes with respect. My real motivation to try to get some power in this place was boredom. Of course, lurking in the forums isn't very satisfying or stimulating.
What's much more fun is moderating - ingame or on the forums. Just to have some kind of power like that takes most if not all of the boredom away from this game and it's forums.

And now that my speech is over, yes, I admit I'm a power-hungry douchebag.
Bottom line -
I'll be less active from now on, I'll post 90% only on this forum, I'll still moderate the Tutorials board because it's not boring, I'll still be on IRC, and I'll still try to get some kind of position because I really don't have much else to do on the internet.

Oh and KiTFoX, go die.
T1cux: clan have eggs.