Taido (The mode Formerly Known as random [m]uslim):
By: Stonewall
Dismember: 1
Dismember Threshold: 200
Turn Frames: 10,15,15,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,22,23,24,25,25,25,25 ,25,25,25,25 <- Not sure why there's a space there, it won't go away. D:
Match Frames: 450
Dojo Size: 500
Sumo: 1
Self Damage: 0
Grabbing: Yes
Mod: Sambo.tbm

Description: Taido, which means way of the body, is a mode I created not too long ago for a fun mode to put on the [m] server, and because I had the desire for a gamemode to call my own. It is a mixture of my favorite gamemode, Kickbox, along with sambo, to add in some strategy. That is why the dojo is there. If you are set up well, the short turn frames allow you to break people, even though there is a high dm thresh, but, the high dm thresh and dojo also makes throwing an effective way to win.
Last edited by Stonewall; Feb 14, 2008 at 01:09 AM.