Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
They've used multiply writers since Eccleston, it's the director they changed. Now it suffers from the same problem most BBC stuff has - shit production.

I just can't get away with Matt's doctor at all, they've wrote the character as a mincing faggot. At least they finally made an episode this series where it's the doctor that saves the day, if you look back on the others the hero was Amy.

Tennant's been the only good doctor since the 80's, the others just aren't doing it right.

The Doctor magically saving the day again and again and again gets boring. Having a companion that is rational, smart and likable should not be a crime. Toning down the heroics of the Doctor is a great decision. He should be an explorer or a traveller, not the Second Coming. Moffat's episodes have been mainly great so far, Victory of the Daleks was shithouse (writer was Mark Gatiss) and the Angels two-parter was great. Moffat is using time travel as a narrative device, not just a way of going from one situation to the next.