Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The Thread necromancy game
Originally Posted by feitingen View Post
Ok, semi complicated rules.

You win at this game by collecting time, the time you collect is the time from when the last poster posted to the time you post.

For instance, say I posted this thread 2 days ago exactly and I now posted again, i then gain 48 hours!

So, the longer you leave the thread before you perform "Thread Necromancy" on it the more points/hours you score, however there is also more chance someone else will steal those hours for themselves. mwa ha ha!

Everyone starts with 0 hours 0 minutes, GO! (or wait a while then go )

The Two Rules:

- No double posts (you may however delete your post and re-post if you were last, it gives a HUGE risk of you losing all the points your last move got you as well as this set of points)
- If the thread is locked time inside the game is frozen (who mods the mods? In my game I do)

The one polite suggestion:
- When you post post your current total in the format of xx:yy (x=hours y=minutes)

(yes, i stole this ctrl-c,ctrl-v style)

Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir