Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Being that which brings the universe into existence via its imagining would be the strongest, as it would only inhabit your mind and you would have absolute control. Reality warpers, for example can be killed by time travellers easily.

If I was to pick a "cool" super power, it would probably be something along the lines of doctor who and the ability to live forever.

How would a Time traveler kill a reality warper? I just don't see how that would happen. (Not trying to sound rude or anything, but I really can't.)

Also, I believe that reality warpers are: "[Beings] that which [bring] the universe into existence via its imagining." Which does make them the strongest. (As I said above...) However, the strongest power is not necessarily the best power. The best power, (In my opinion.) should bring about the best possible life for the user, and maybe even the rest of the world.

Edit: Doctor powers would be really cool. Going around living life to help others like a hermit.
Last edited by JinxZ; Jan 22, 2010 at 04:51 AM.
