Originally Posted by mezablade7 View Post
A question about dreams, have you guys ever dreamt a dream where you control everything, like, you can choose which way to run, to punch or anything?

Dream: I'll just tell you this one thing of a dream, I sat there vomiting ramen noodles. I had a different dream lately, but it's sad...and if I bring it up, it may make me all emotional, because it's happened to me before, but it makes me sad to any think that, because a lot of my dreams come true. Before any assumptions are made, not it's not rape.

Another thing too, one time I was dreaming and I punched someone in my dream and I woke up punching the air. Same thing with a kick.

Few times, or it may have seemed like it. I don't know.

Not related to that at all.

I had this dream(actually, nightmare) when I was five. It repeated itself once when I was eight and that is the version I shall type here.

It was christmas eve(In dream world) and my family was sitting in the living room. Someone rang the doorbell to bring presents(which isn't usual for meh IRL but it was completely expected in the dream) and I answered, it was one of my cousins or something. I buzzed them in and opened the front door to let them enter once they got up the stairs. Then I went back into the living room and went WTF because my family had gone.
I walked further into the living room and the lights went out. I went WTF again. Then saw something looking at me from the balcony door. It was one of those brown hooded things from Star Wars and it had a grappling hook. I went WTF.
It took it's hood off and turned out to be a kid that was new in my class. Then I said his name questioningly and he vanished. I then went plunging into mega frightened nightmare mode having previously only been falling at a moderate speed into the nightmare. I went to try to turn the lights on at the switch just in front of my room saying heroically "Now no one shall be frightened anymore!" and then I touched the lightswitch. Nothing happened. Oshit. And then Everything went even worse as toys, alive, came crawling, walking, flying, driving etc. out of my little sister's room. I fought them off for a while throwing a phone at them and kicking them and such. I especially remember a red fire truck for some reason. Most of these toys I knew my sister didn't have and had never even entered our possession. Then there was a deep, evil sounding "Mwuhahahahahahahaha" and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were standing in front of me (Cardboard, full size). I had been reading some comic books or somesuch about them that day or the day before. And I think I went 'Are you here to help me?' and then Raphael stabbed me and I woke up screaming.
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